Internet Can Now Be Use in Parang Village, Karimun Jawa

Altough internet is a common need that every people can enjoy, however there is alot remote area that dont have this chance. Including Indonesia, the wide geographic of Indonesia made it hard to reach the remote area to give a better infrestructure. However onbe of the remote place in Indonesia that finally can use internet is Parang Village, Karimun Jawa, Jepara.

The reason why Parang Village is remote is because to reach the village we have to ride a boat from Jepara harbor at least 11 mil or at least 2 hours to arrive. The village vibes in this village is bold, there is a lot of tree and green around Parang Island and the people in there is very welcoming.

The cellular internet connection in this village is planted in February 2022 but will be officially used in March 17, 2022. Beforehand people need to buy their own equipment to enjoy the internet by Wi-Fi.

As for the communication, people use a radio and a cellular phone without internet connection. After the internet launch the government hopes that the people use the internet properly. This also could help the student to study more from many sources on the internet.

Parang Village is one of many remote village that just enjoy the internet, meanwhile in Indonesia there is more remote village that hadn’t a chance to had this service. The launch of internet in Parang Village can be a point of the improvement of the internet quality spread in Indonesia so that many other village will have the chance too.


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