How is the internet speed in Indonesia?
Internet is becoming a primary need in today’s age. However, the internet speed in every country is vary based on how the management and the development of the technology in that country. And then, how about Indonesia?
The internet connection speed in Indonesia is considered low compared to other southeast asian countries. For the cellular connection speeed, Indonesia had at least 10,5 Mbps. Meanwhile the average of internet connection speed in the world is in 25,1 Mbps and increasing almost 18% in every year.
Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers or “Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia” (APJII) evaluate many factors that made Indonesia has low internet speed connection. The head of APJII Muhammad Arif said one of the factor is the wide geographic of Indonesia compared to other southeast asian countries.
This wide area of Indonesia with many different condition effect the spread of internet infrastructure, at the other hand the number of Internet user in Indonesia is increasing highly. The result is that the infrastructure capacity that available to fill the need is becoming limited.
The solution to this problem lies in to build a better telecommunication infrastructure and addd more infrastructure capacity. By doing so the spread of the internet connection speed will be spread evenly.
For the internet connection, Indonesia already adopted 5G for over a year, although it only covers Jabodetabek, Bandung, Solo, Medan and some other. Even though it is still an early phase, 5G gives a significant increasing on cellular experience compared to 3G and 4G. This can be seen in the higher download and upload capacity that 5G offer.
In order to give more improvement, The Ministry of Communication and Informatic or “Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika” (Kominfo) decided to launch 700MHz low band frequency for 5G service in Indonesia. The launch suppose to happen in the late of 2022 or in the beginning of 2023.
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