TikTok is a video application that is very effective and much liked by the public, especially teenagers today. This application provides various features for editing or recording videos.
Because of the many interests of TikTok users, many people channel their talents through uploading their TikTok accounts, the talents they upload are various. Some sing, paint, dance, and so on. By channeling their talents on the TikTok application, their talents will be seen by many people, it can even bring them success.
One example of a talented TikTok content creator is Eriko Richardo, he is a painter, who started showing his painting talent through the TikTok application, even because of that, now he is known to many people and already has 8.4M followers. His success makes him even more passionate in the field of painting, often making painting videos according to the requests of his followers. He even received an award as rising star of the year at the 2022 TikTok award. This proves that his talent content is useful. "I'm really happy and really grateful," he said in one of his TikTok videos last March.
(image source: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdvf1W8y/)
The growing world of social media makes it easier for us to go through many things, such as showing talent can be done anywhere, as long as we are confident, willing, and trying. There are so many positive impacts of the benefits of social media for living in today's era, with social media we can bring positive and useful things to others.
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